In the wake of the latest Royal nuptials, I have found myself thinking about weddings. I know right?! I still honestly cannot see myself doing the whole white wedding thing, even after all of these years. I mean, you have to stand for ages by the looks of things and what happens if you really need the loo? All too much for my brain to fathom and yet Myles and I stared at that TV and oohed and aahed at all the hats and dresses, whilst munching on a bag of chips and sipping on some Castle Lite. Very classy for a Royal Wedding I know. But we actually enjoyed the experience.Prince-Harry-Meghan-Markle-Wedding-Pictures

The first time I watched a Royal Wedding was with my Ouma in Johannesburg when Princess Diana got hitched. Then again 7 years ago (coincidentally also in Johannesburg) when Kate tied the knot with Prince William. For the latest wedding I was in Rooiels! The change of scenery was very good 🙂

So I think its time for me to start leaving the house and meeting people. The mourning period is over and although I’m not quite ready for a relationship yet, I do think that I’m ready to start enjoying myself. At this rate, there may never be an elopement in my future but to be honest, it is quite ok with me. Myles and I have a perfect little rhythm going and who really wants to mess with that anyway?

Love Chez